Wheel of Fortunate

Wheel of Fortunate

By Bec Matlioski and Ben Ryding.

Given that original thinking is our livelihood, you’d think that we’d be more conscious about where that thinking comes from. For years, we’ve heard the need for a more diverse workforce but despite making progress, it seems like we still have the same sort of people hiring the same sort of people. It only takes one pub lunch to realise that our own unique journey into advertising isn’t so unique after all. It’s this lack of diversity that keeps the industry so homogeneous and it all starts with how we get in. So go ahead, give it a spin.*

*Rhyme unintentional: occupational hazard.

Gift of the Gabberer: Sharon Condy

Gift of the Gabberer: Sharon Condy

Bit on the side: Terrible Spiderman

Bit on the side: Terrible Spiderman