The Rejected Podcast

The Rejected Podcast

Copywriter Maria Nazdravan of Ogilvy UK started drawing about rejection on Instagram, then talking it out in a podcast.

Ultimately, what I want to achieve is to start changing the way our brains jump to interpret rejection. And part of it is hearing a ton of stories, especially from people you perceive as untouched by it.

I think that once you accept that rejection is part of life and inevitable, you can have better control over how you react to it. Do I let it ruin my dreams or do I use it as a valuable lesson?

Do I take it personally, or do I take the time to discover what triggered it? These questions make the world of difference between ending up crying because the world is unfair, and picking yourself up, having a laugh and learning something about yourself.

You can listen to Rejected The Podcast here.

An Abridged List of Ways You Can Get Rejected As An Advertising Creative

An Abridged List of Ways You Can Get Rejected As An Advertising Creative