An Abridged List of Ways You Can Get Rejected As An Advertising Creative

An Abridged List of Ways You Can Get Rejected As An Advertising Creative

1.     From AWARD School before you even get started

2.     From the first 10 agencies you apply for a job at

3.     For every idea in your first CR

4.     For every idea in your second CR

5.     For the only idea you actually get through to a client presentation in your first six months.

6.     By the copywriter you were working with

7.     By the agency that gave you your first job

8.     By the producer you try to hit on after 20 or so commiserative beers

9.     By all the agencies you want to work for when you look for your next gig

10.   By not quite as many agencies when you look for your next gig

11.   By your CD for the majority of the ideas you come up with for the next few years 

12.   By the CMO who pulled the pin on your best shot at a truly award-winning piece of work, a day before you were due to go into production.

13.  By the ECD when you ask for a pay rise

14.  By the agency you most want to work at, again

15.  By the boys club because you're not boysy enough

16.  By the awards jury when you were sure you were onto a winner

17.   By the rest of the awards committee when you were sure you had a good point

18.  By your wife because she never saw you

19.  By the industry because you got too old

20.  By your maker when you finally meet him/her. After all you work in advertising. You don’t stand a chance in hell.


Creative Outlet

Creative Outlet

The Rejected Podcast

The Rejected Podcast